Hedda Lindselius

Hedda Lindselius is COO and Associate Partner at Diplomat Communications.

Prior to joining Diplomat, she worked at the European Commission in the cabinet of the Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, at the Swedish Agency for Government Employers, and at the Social Partners’ Council. She is experienced in complex communications issues in the cross-section of the private and public sector, specifically oriented towards public affairs and sustainability. 

She holds a MSc in Political Science from the University of Copenhagen. Her BSc in Politics and Economics is from Lund University, during which time she also studied at the University of California Berkeley.

+46 73 866 67 35

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Kajsa Bernestål

Graphic Designer kajsa.bernestal@diplomatcom.com +46 70 184 44 42
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Bino Drummond

Senior Advisor bino.drummond@diplomatcom.com +46 73 852 70 68
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Frida Granath

Senior Associate frida.granath@diplomatcom.com +46 73 565 88 14
Image of Tobias Krantz

Tobias Krantz

Associate Partner tobias.krantz@diplomatcom.com +46 73 410 12 15
Image of Klas Landelius

Klas Landelius

CEO of Diplomat Communications klas.landelius@diplomatcom.com +46 70 460 63 57
Image of Shannon Li O´Sullivan

Shannon Li O´Sullivan

Junior Associate shannon.li.osullivan@diplomatcom.com +46 73 950 11 66
Image of Hedda Lindselius

Hedda Lindselius

COO & Associate Partner hedda.lindselius@diplomatcom.com +46 73 866 67 35
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Björn Nyblom

Founding Partner bjorn.nyblom@diplomatcom.com +46 70 188 50 16
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Johanna Nyblom

Office Manager reception@diplomatcom.com +46 70 561 45 61
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Anders Oremark

Founding Partner anders.oremark@diplomatcom.com +46 70 814 23 02
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Linus Paulsson

Senior Advisor linus.paulsson@diplomatcom.com +46 70 602 58 82
Image of Agnes Rasin

Agnes Rasin

Office Manager reception@diplomatcom.com +46 70 561 45 61
Image of Sonja Rasin

Sonja Rasin

Partner & CEO Diplomat Group sonja.rasin@diplomatcom.com +46 70 892 66 16
Image of Agnes Selnes

Agnes Selnes

Junior Associate agnes.selnes@diplomatcom.com +46 73 660 09 04
Image of Gunnar Sonesson

Gunnar Sonesson

Senior Advisor gunnar.sonesson@diplomatcom.com +46 70 440 10 00
Image of Kristian Stålberg

Kristian Stålberg

Associate Partner kristian.stalberg@diplomatcom.com +46 72 018 05 93
Image of Emma Winroth

Emma Winroth

Senior Associate emma.winroth@diplomatcom.com +46 73 578 62 63