The Swedish EU Presidency

During the first half of 2023, Sweden holds the Presidency of the European Union. The role includes leading and coordinating a number of political processes central to the EU – potentially of great importance for both companies and organizations. As representative of the EU, Sweden also becomes more important on the global stage. Europe will also get a clearer presence in Sweden – through meetings, conferences, and increased media coverage, among other things.

I was Minister for Higher Education and Research during the previous Swedish EU presidency the second half of 2009. For a six-month period I led the Union’s work in the field of higher education and research policy. It was a very intense period – and I gained a lot of insight, not only into national, but also European and global political leadership.

As President you are expected to drive important, long-term issues – find compromises between different political wills and balance positions between different institutions without losing momentum in the process. However, the role also includes traditional crisis management – hastily arising problems and difficulties that must be dealt with. In both of these qualities I was reminded that politics is about rationality, ideology and values but also social interaction and psychology – and a lot of hard work…

The decision-making process within the EU is becoming increasingly important for companies and organizations in Sweden. Many laws and regulations that affect us Swedes originate, directly or indirectly, from decisions that have been made within or by the EU. The decision-making process within the union is complex – and different from what we are used to in Sweden. Several different institutions are involved, and the relations are characterized more by a balance of power than in the Swedish political system. There is also an intricate interplay between the European and national level.

Diplomat Communications’ advisors have extensive experience in helping clients navigate the European landscape and the EU political system. Our expertise extends across a range of policy areas. We work with communication advisory in a number of different political processes at the European level. We can offer, among other things:

  • qualified analysis of political decision-making processes – when, where and how to interact with decision-makers
  • identification of key stakeholders in preparatory and decision-making processes,
  • development of advocacy and communication strategies,
  • operational support in contact and advocacy work,
  • media management and support in other communication activities,
  • ongoing strategic advisory, business intelligence and political analysis

Tobias Krantz, Senior Advisor